Contact: Janick Boudreau, CFA, Executive Vice-President
Address: Business Development & Client Partnerships, 800 René-Lévesque Blvd. W., Ste. 2800 Montréal, QC, H3B 1X9
Phone: 514-908-1989
Fax: 514-287-7200
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 49
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $1,484.8; mortgages $906.2; long $1,832.9; corporate $234.5; liability-driven investments $2,146.6; custom multi-style fixed income $194.4; impact fixed income $8.5; money market $25.6
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $6,833.5
Manager style: Yield curve, immunized, index, actively managed, fundamental, top-down combined with bottom-up, core, active duration, impact
Ownership: Principals 3%; third-party 97%
Fixed income professional staff: 40
Established: 1985
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate $20
Contact: Stéphane Corriveau, Président, Directeur Principal
Address: 1800 Avenue, McGill College, Suite 2420, Montreal, QC, H3A 3J6
PH: 514.861.3493
Fax: 514.861.4838
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 50
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $5,350; core plus $856; bank loans $372
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $6,578
Manager style: Yield curve, structured products, immunized
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 13
Established: 2008
Performance presentation standards: Relying on the flexibility of its proprietary portfolio management information system (Integra), Alphafixe has always offered clients the possibility to customize their investment mandates. As claiming GIPS compliance would have required that each of these mandates be included in one of the firm composites, we would have had to maintain many composites. This is why we are not claiming GIPS compliance. As such, although we do not claim GIPS compliance nor produce GIPS-compliant performance reports, performance is calculated according to GIPS’ highest standards and methodology.
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Separate $50
Name: Tanya Bishop, Senior Vice President
Address: 2000 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC, H3A 3H3
PH: 647.201.4225
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 8
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Global bonds $1,144.30; high-yield $84.86; corporate $120.77; multi asset credit $171.05; currency $4,489.82; fixed income Canada government $74.89
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $6,085.7
Manager style: Yield curve, structured products, index, quantitative
Ownership: Principals 69%; publicly held 29%; third-party 2%
Fixed income professional staff: 100+
Established: 1950
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate $20
Contact: Brent Wilkins, Senior Vice President, Head of Institutional Sales (Canada), Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group
Address: 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 1300, Montreal, QC, H3A 3J6
PH: 416.364.5396
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income management provided for Canadian plan sponsors: 3
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $25.7; long $187.2; short-term bond $38.3
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $251.2
Manager style: Yield curve, duration, cross markets, sector/quality, and security selection. Baker Gilmore manages various types of fixed income strategies, such as portfolio managed versus FTSE indices/custom benchmarks, absolute return strategies, and LDI solutions. We can also manage passive strategies if requested.
Ownership: Principals 50%; third-party 50%
Fixed income professional staff: 7
Established: 1988
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate $10
Contact: Kimberley Woolverton, Senior Vice President, Client Service & Business Development, 2000-20 Eglinton Ave. West
Address: Toronto, ON, M4R 1K8
Phone: 416-545-5367
Fax: 416-485-1799
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 54
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $7,992; long $305; core plus $380; corporate $605; short-term $223; money market $660; sustainable Canadian bonds $11m
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $10,750
Manager style: Yield curve, interest rate anticipation (duration), credit sector allocation, security selection, foreign pay bonds
Ownership: Principals 51%; third-party 49%
Fixed income professional staff: 9
Established: 1967
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $25
Contact: Daniel Stanley, Head of Institutional Sales & Service
Address: 100 King Street West, Toronto, ON, M5X 1A1
Phone: 416-418-2354
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 3
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $115.79; long $753.58; fixed income ETFs $15
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $884.36
Manager style: Yield curve, passive, structured products, index, immunized, quantitative, credit, ESG. Passive indices: FTSE Canada 20+ Strip Bond Index, FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, FTSE Canada Long Term Federal Bond Index, Bloomberg US Inv Gr 5-10 Corp Index, US IG 5-10 Corp TR Hed CAD Index, FTSE Canada Short Term Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Discount Bond Index, FTSE Canada Mid Term Corporate Index, FTSE Canada All Government Bond Index, FTSE Canada Mid Term Provincial Index, Bloomberg High Yield Total Return Index, Bloomberg Emerging Markets Tradable External Debt (EMTED) GDP Weighted Capped Index CAD Hedged, FTSE Canada Short Term Provincial Bond Index, FTSE Canada Short Term Federal Bond Index, FTSE Canada Long Term Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Mid Term Federal Bond Index, FTSE Canada Short Term Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Mid Term Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada NHA MBS 975, FTSE Canada Long Term Provincial Bond Index, Bloomberg US Treasury TIPS 0, FTSE Canada Non-Agency Real Return Bond Index, FTSE Canada All Corporate Bond Index, US Inv Gr 1-5Y TR Hed CAD, FTSE Canada Short Term Overall Bond Index, Bloomberg US Inv Gr 5-10 Corp Bond Index, Bloomberg US Treasury 20+ Y Bond Index, FTSE Canada Short Term Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg Treasury 1-5 Yr Index, Bloomberg MSCI Canada Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg US Treasury 5-10 Y, Bloomberg MSCI US HY Liq Corp, FTSE Canada Short Term Federal Bond Index,
Bloomberg US Treasury 1-5 Yr Index, Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate Sustainable Bond Index, FTSE Canada 1-10 Year Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg U.S. Treasury 5-10 Y, Bloomberg U.S. Treasury: 20+ Y, Bloomberg US Govt Inflation-Li, Bloomberg U.S. Treasury: 20+ Y, FTSE Canada Short Term Provincial Bond Index, Bloomberg US Treasury TIPS 0, FTSE Canada 1-10 Year Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg MSCI US HY Liq Corp, Solactive Canada Bank Income I, Bloomberg US Aggregate Total Return Bond Index
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 10
Established: 1982
Performance Presentation Standards: The performance of each of the BMO Mutual Funds and BMO ETFs complies with the requirements under Part 15 of NI 81-102
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $100
BMO Global Asset Management is a brand name under which BMO Asset Management Inc. and BMO Investments Inc. operate. Commissions, management fees and expenses (if applicable) may be associated with investments in mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Trailing commissions may be associated with investments in mutual funds. Please read the fund facts, ETF Facts or prospectus of the relevant mutual fund or ETF before investing. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. For a summary of the risks of an investment in BMO Mutual Funds or BMO ETFs, please see the specific risks set out in the prospectus of the relevant mutual fund or ETF. BMO ETFs trade like stocks, fluctuate in market value and may trade at a discount to their net asset value, which may increase the risk of loss. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination. BMO Mutual Funds are offered by BMO Investments Inc., a financial services firm and separate entity from Bank of Montreal. BMO ETFs are managed and administered by BMO Asset Management Inc., an investment fund manager and portfolio manager and separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal. “BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)” is a registered trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence.
Contact: Mike Sandrasagra, Vice President, Head of Canadian Institutional Group
Address: 181 Bay Street, Suite 4510, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3
Phone: 416-869-3222
Fax: 416-869-1700
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 17
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $388; high-yield $57; Canadian
money market $24
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $469
Manager style: Fundamental, bottom-up, quality-value
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 3
Established: 1991
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate $10
Contact: Jason Davis, Portfolio Manager, Vice President Client Service & Marketing
Address: 550-100 York Boulevard, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 1J8
Phone: 905-881-8853
Fax: 905-881-1466
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 27
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$B: Private debt $0.1; long $0.9; corpo7rate $49.
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $7,805.5
Manager style: Credit analysis/bottom-up fundamental security selection
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 29
Established: 1997
Performance presentation standards: Modified Dietz method as recommended by GPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10 million; separate $250 million
Contact: Brian Ziedenberg, Senior Vice President, Institutional
Address: Brookfield Place, 181 Bay St., Ste. 3100 , Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3
Phone: 416-815-2172
Fax: 213-486-9223
Email: [email protected]
Manager style: Yield curve, immunized, credit and fundamental research
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 92
Established: 1931
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $15; separate $120
Contact: Bill Gleed, Senior Vice-President, Head of Institutional and National Accounts
Address: 15 York St, Toronto, ON, M5J 0A3
PH: 647-200-5711
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income management provided for Canadian plan sponsors: 10
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $124,815,844.96; global bonds $7,354,371.66; long $14,832,892.81; corporate $128,944,350; liability-driven investments $1,215,472,537.46
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $1,491,419,997
Ownership: Principals 16%; publicly held 84%
Fixed income professional staff: 17
Established: 1965
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled, negotiable; separate, negotiable
Contact: Carlo DiLalla, Managing Director and Head, Institutional Asset Management
Address: 161 Bay Street, Suite 2230, Toronto, ON, M5J 2S1
PH: 416.980.2768
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 41
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $3,161.31; real return $994.75; long $2,981.68; core plus $405.43; corporate $1,003.32; LDI $7,829.89; MM $52.74; duration pools $180.44; fixed income US tips $72.22
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $16,681.79
Manager style: Yield curve, structured products, immunized, passive, index, quantitative, multi-alpha. Passive indices: FTSE Universe Bond Index, FTSE Short-term Bond Index, FTSE Long-term Bond Index, FTSE Real Return Bond, Customized Liability Benchmark
Ownership: Publicly held 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 31
Established: 1972
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $25
Contact: Kate Nowak, Director, Institutional Business
Address: 60 Bloor Street West, 9th Floor, Toronto, ON, M4W 3B8
Phone: 437-431-7068
Fax: 416-977-7650
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $692; US bonds $149; corporate $377; other $1.6
Fixed income AUM in CAD$M: $2.8B
Manager style: Yield curve, credit
Ownership: Principals 90%
Fixed income professional staff: 5
Established: 1999
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $150,000; separate $1,000,000
Contact: Brent Wilkins, Senior Vice President, Head of Institutional Sales (Canada), Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group
Address: 1111 West Georgia Street, Suite 2200, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4M3
PH: 416.364.5396
Fax: 416.363.2089
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 41
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $2,530.8; high-yield $46.8; long $757.4; core plus $160.2; money market $55.1; blended benchmark $1,566
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $5,116.2
Manager style: Yield curve, quantitative, credit
Ownership: Principals 71%; third-party 29%
Fixed income professional staff: 17
Established: 1982
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $15
Contact: Natalie Bisaillon, Vice President, Chief of Partnership and Institutional Client Relations
Address: 1 Complexe Desjardins, 20th Floor, South Tower, Montreal, QC, H5B 1B2
PH: 514.214.5742
Fax: 514.281.7253
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 2
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $108; long $2,060; other $6,565
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $8,733
Manager style: Yield curve
Ownership: Third-party 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 13
Established: 1998
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $25
Contact: Michael Barnett, Executive Vice-president, Institutional
Address: 483 Bay St., Toronto, ON, M5G 2N7
Phone: 416-217-7773
Fax: 416-307-5511
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income management provided for Canadian plan sponsors: 23
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $775.24; global bonds $2.04; high-yield $0.31; long $24.13; core plus $2,295.51; Canadian money market $57.3; Canadian short-term
bond $1.91; custom LDI solution, $659.15; custom tactical credit $602.47
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $4,418.06
Manager style: Yield curve, structured products, core bonds, core plus bonds, long bonds, long bond core plus tactical bond, tactical credit, emerging market debt, global sovereigns, corporate high-yield and investment-grade, inflation-sensitive bonds, private credit, distressed debt
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 296
Established: 1987
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $7.5; separate $100
Contact: Sarah Aves, Co-Head of Canadian Institutional Clients
Address: 1981 McGill College Avenue, Suite 1500 Montreal, QC, H3A 0H5
Phone: 514-954-6468
Fax: 514-954-9692
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 205
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $2,937.86; global bonds $44.77; real return $230.80; private debt $802.47; long $4,572.40; US bonds $50.18; core plus $378.49; corporate $461.04; other $5,744.56
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $15,222.55
Manager style: Yield curve, immunized, passive, quantitative, active, security selection, sector allocation. Passive indices: FTSE CAN Provincial Short Term (CAD), FTSE CAN Provincial Mid Term (CAD), FTSE CAN Universe All Gov Provincial Bond Index (LT) (CAD), FTSE CAN Universe All Gov Provincial Bond Index (20+) (CAD)
Ownership: Principals 20%; publicly held 80%
Fixed income professional staff: 23
Established: 2003
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate $20
Contact: Gabriel Lopezpineda, Senior Vice President, Head of Institutional
Address: 1 Adelaide Street East, Suite 2600, Toronto, ON, M5C 2V9
Phone: 416-848-1948
Fax: 416-367-1183
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income management provided for Canadian plan sponsors: 22
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $122; mortgages $0.2; long $286; core plus $30; corporate $34; 8 (preferreds)
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: 480
Manager style: Yield curve, credit
Ownership: Principals 36%; third-party 64%
Fixed income professional staff: 6
Contact: Dennis Tew, Head of Sales, Canada
Address: 200 King Street West, Suite 1400, Toronto, ON, M5H 3T4
PH: 416.957.6023
Email: [email protected]
Management Style: Yield Curve, Immunized, Index, Quantitative. Other: Domestic Fixed Income (Canadian), Emerging Market Debt, Global Sovereigns, Local Asset Management, Mortgages/ABS, Corporate High Yield and Investment Grade, Municipals, Bank Loans and Low Duration, Private Credit
Ownership: Principals: 36%; Publicly Held: 64%
Professional Staff: 346
Year Established: 1947
Performance Presentation Standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled$1; separate, varies by strategy
Contact: Robin Lacey, Head of Institutional Asset Management
Address: 199 Bay Street, Commerce Court West, Suite 2700, Toronto, ON, M5L 1E8
PH: 416.947.4082
Fax: 416-364-9634
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 12
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $166.3; core plus $5.3; corporate $1.3; structured $295.7; short-term $19.1
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $487.7
Manager style: Yield curve, structured products, immunized, quantitative
Ownership: Third-party 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 8
Established: 1962
Contact: Jeff Horbal, Lead, Consultant Relations & Senior Institutional Portfolio Manager
Head Office:1010 Sherbrooke St. W., 20th Floor, Montreal, QC, H3A 2R7
Phone: 1-800-736-8666
Fax: 514-842-1882
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income asset classes: Universe, global bonds, private debt, high-yield, long, US bonds, core plus, corporate, absolute return, liability-driven
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $2.9B
Manager style: Yield curve, credit
Established: 1955
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $25
Contact: Gary Wong, Associate Portfolio Manager
Address: #1500, 400 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6C3A6
Phone: 604-683-3391
Fax: 604-683-0323
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 75
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: N/A
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $3,250
Manager style: Yield curve, immunized, active – fundamental
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 10
Established: 1982
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled: $3M; Separate: $10M
Contact: Neeraj Jain, Institutional Portfolio Manager
Address: 79 Wellington Street West, TD South Tower, Suite 3410, Box 276, Toronto, ON, M5K 1J5
PH: 416.865.3929
Fax: 416.865.3357
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 30
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $1,020.47; other, includes fixed income assets managed as part of balanced mandates
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $1,020.47
Manager style: Yield curve, credit
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 7
Established: 1974
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $50
Contact: Andrew Kitchen, Senior Managing Director – Institutional Sales
Address: 77 King St. W., 35th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5K 1B7
Phone: 647-253-9162
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 21 as of September 30, 2024, pension plans. Please note that number of Canadian plan sponsors include pension plan clients that have a fixed income component as part of asset-mix portfolios.
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $829.8; global bonds $4.3; long $775.2; core plus $267; Canadian money market $21.4M. Core plus assets include both long plus and core plus strategies. Please note that assets provided include fixed income assets that are part of asset-mix portfolios.
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $1,897.7
Manager style: Asset and sector allocation, security selection, duration and yield curve, region, currency
Ownership: Principals, up to 20%; third-party (Sun Life Financial Inc.) 80%
Fixed income professional staff: 114
Established: 1924
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Separate accounts: Dependent on strategy
Contact: François Forget, Head of Distribution – Canada
Address: 1000 de la Gauchetière Ouest, Suite 3100, Montreal, QC, H3B 4W5
PH: 514-518-8587
Email: [email protected]
Manager style: Yield curve, index, emerging market debt, global sovereigns, absolute return fixed income, corporate high yield and investment grade, sustainable credit, strategic credit
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 110
Established: 1980 (parent in 1805)
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $1m; separate $50m
Contact: Connor Haslip, Vice President, Institutional Business
Address: 33 Yonge Street, Suite 320, Toronto, ON, M5E 1G4
Phone: 416-955-4108
Fax: 416-955-4100
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Core plus $61.4; corporate $2,304.3
Event-driven credit in CAD$M: $377.50
Manager style: Active – long/short credit and event-driven credit
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 8
Established: 2004
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $10; separate $25
Contact: Clement Chiang, Vice President & Portfolio Manager
Address: Suite 1008, 222–3rd Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 0B4
Phone: 403-265-7007 x 225
Fax: 403-266-6524
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 1
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Core plus $204
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $47.5
Manager style: Fundamental credit and duration positioning
Ownership: QV is 100% owned by employees across all levels of the firm
Fixed income professional staff: 2
Established: 1996
Performance presentation standards: Verified by ACA Compliance Group
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $0.5M; separate $10
Contact: Lydia George, Director of Marketing & Sales Enablement
Address: 43 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5R 2E3
Phone: 647-776-1777
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income management provided for Canadian plan sponsors: 6
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $14B
Manager style: Active management. Note that we have the capability and do manage a number of passive mandates. Passive indices: FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, FTSE TMX Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Government Bond Index
Ownership: Principals 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 14 portfolio management (investment), 7 credit research, 6 risk management
Established: 2009
Performance presentation standards: We follow the principles and guidelines outlined by the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) to ensure transparency and consistency in our performance reporting. However, while we align with many of the best practices recommended by GIPS, we do not formally claim GIPS compliance.
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $100; separate $100
Contact: Catherine Jackman, CFA, Managing Director, Canadian Institutional Distribution
Address: 1 York Street, Toronto, ON, M5J 0B6
Contact: Véronique Lauzière, FCIA, FSA, CFA, Managing Director, Canadian Institutional Distribution
Address: 1155 rue Metcalfe, Montréal, QC, H3B 2V9
Phone: Jackman, 416-408-8729; Lauzière, 514-904-9694
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Manager style: Our primary source of value-add within our fixed income teams is credit analysis. We typically do not take active interest rate positions.
Fixed income professional staff: 171
Established: 2013
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Contact: Angela Valdes, Vice President
Address: 20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1201, Toronto, ON, M5C 2T6
Phone: 416-364-3001
Email: [email protected]
Manager style: Stonebridge Financial specializes in private debt and credit investments across infrastructure, renewable power, healthcare, real estate (commercial mortgages) and corporate sectors. More specifically, this includes both active and passive as well as long and short duration strategies across investment-grade, core and core-plus risk profiles.
Ownership: Originally founded with the support of three of Canada’s largest insurance companies which held a minority interest, Stonebridge Financial has been 100% independently owned since 2021.
Fixed income professional staff: 18
Established: 1998
Minimum investment: Pooled $5; separate $25
Contact: Lauren Bloom, Head of Canada Distribution
Address: 77 King Street West, Suite 4240, Toronto, ON, MSK 1A2
PH: 416.360.5777
Email: [email protected]
Manager style: We implement a bottom-up, fundamental investment approach across all of our fixed income strategies, performing deep and focused credit research. Capabilities include global bonds, high-yield, long, US bonds, US core/core plus, corporate, and emerging markets debt.
Ownership: Publicly held 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 246
Established: 1937
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $5; separate, varies
Contact: Mark Cestnik, Managing Director
Address: 161 Bay St., 34th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T2
Phone: 416-274-1742
Email: [email protected]
Canadian plan sponsors managed: 306
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Universe $12,005; real return $1,180; mortgages $5,425; private debt $1,739; long $15,918; core plus $1,520; emerging markets debt $388; FTSE TMX Canada All Government Bond $542; FTSE TMX Canada mid-term provincial $317; client-defined benchmarks $6,398; money market and short-term $4,020; overlay $26,058; structured $5,779
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $81,288
Manager style: Yield curve, immunized, passive. Passive indices: FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, FTSE Canada All Government Bond Index, FTSE Canada All Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Long Term Overall Bond Index, Short Liability Driven Benchmark. The custom benchmark is a portfolio of provincial bonds that is structured to match the future obligations of a typical Canadian pension plan consisting of a high proportion of retirees. Mid Liability Driven Benchmark: The custom benchmark is a portfolio of provincial bonds that is structured to match the future obligations of a typical Canadian pension plan consisting of a blend of retirees and active members. Long Liability Driven Benchmark: The custom benchmark is a portfolio of provincial bonds that is structured to match the future obligations of a typical Canadian pension plan consisting of a high proportion of active members. FTSE Canada Long Term Corporate Bond Index, 50% FTSE Canada Short Term Corporate Bond Index + 50% FTSE Canada Mid Term Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, FTSE Canada 20+ Strip Bond Index, FTSE Canada Real Return Bond Index, FTSE Canada Long Term Government Bond Index, FTSE Canada Long Term Provincial Bond Index, 3x FTSE Canada Long Term Provincial Bond Index minus 2x one-month CDOR, 2 x FTSE Canada Real Return Bond Index – 1 month CDOR, FTSE Canada Mid Term Provincial Bond Index
Ownership: Third-party 100%
Fixed income professional staff: 87
Established: 1987
Performance presentation standards: GIPS
Minimum investment (CAD$M): Pooled $17; separate, $50 active and $200 passive
Contact: Arif Bhalwani, Managing Director
Address: 181 Bay Street, Suite 2830, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3
Phone: 416-601-9824
Fax: 416-981-3393
Email: [email protected]
Fixed income asset classes in CAD$M: Private debt $2,583,167,879
Fixed income AUM for Canadian pension plans in CAD$M: $667,200,093
Manager style: Active, direct origination, privately negotiated
Ownership: Principals 75%; third-party 25%
Fixed income professional staff: 16
Established: 2005