Money Managers Directory

Addenda Capital Inc.
Contact: Janick Boudreau, CFA
Executive Vice-President, 
Business Development & Client Partnerships
Address: 800 René-Lévesque Blvd. W., Ste. 2800
Montréal, QC, H3B 1X9
PH: 514-908-1989
Fax: 514-287-7200
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third Party, 100% (Co-operators Financial Services Limited is the firm’s principal shareholder and owns 96.70%; Addenda Capital employees own 3.30%)
Investment professionals: 76
Established: 1985
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5M; separate, $20M
Manager style: Size bias – large cap; style bias – core
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – duration, credit, yield curve
Additional style bias: Growth, GARP, value
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $ $5,255.5; DC pension, $1,771.9; foundation & not-for-profit: $1,491.9; private, $2,982.5; total, $34,733.2; others, $23,231.4 (insurance, other institutional, third-party mutual funds)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 36
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $310.1; segregated, $2,381.8; total, $2,691.9
Other asset classes (CDN $M): $2,563.6
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $5,120.9; passive, $134.6; total, $5,255.5
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 21
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $962.8; other, $809.1; total, $1,771.9
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $7,027.4


ACM Advisors Ltd. 
Contact: Jordan Ross 
VP, Fund Management 
650-625 Howe Street 
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T6 
Phone: 604-682-4865 
Email: [email protected] 
Ownership structure: Principals, 25%; third party, 75% (EQB Inc. [TSX: EQB]) 
Investment professionals: 9 
Established: 1993 
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1 
Manager style: Fixed income management style, active; other, commercial mortgage investments – alternative fixed income 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Pooled commercial mortgage investment vehicle 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $2,879.85; foundation & not-for-profit, $544.5; private client, $328.72; retail mutual funds (direct), $420.63; total $5,110.16; others – insurance, corporate, trusts, health and welfare, $936.43 
Canadian plan sponsors for whom you provide DB pension asset management: 122 
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Other, $5,110.16 
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $2,879.85; total $2,879.85 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $2,879.85 


AGinvest Farmland Properties
Canada Inc.
Contact: Oliver Wolf
Business Development Associate
Address: 80 Keil Drive South, Unit 3
Chatham, ON, N7M 3H1
PH: 519-352-8413
Email: [email protected]
Investment professionals: 1
Established: 2012
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.15, separate, $0.15
Manager style: Style bias – value
Management style: Active; other – farmland asset management
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): Private, $120; total, $120


AllianceBernstein L.P.
Contact: Steven Arts
VP Institutional Advisor
Address: 200 Bay St. North Tower floor 12
Toronto, ON, M5J 2J2
PH: 647-375-2805
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 14%; publicly held, 25%; third party, 61% (Equitable Holdings, Inc.)
Investment professionals: 244
Established: 1971
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $25
Manager style: Size bias – large cap; style bias – value
Management style: Active; fixed income 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Target date funds; risk-based funds; active & passive funds; multi-asset funds; ESG funds; customized solutions
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $5,189; DC pension, $613; foundation & not-for-profit, $275; private $92; total, $11,247; others, $5,078
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 28
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $410; segregated, $1,991; total, $2,401
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $358; total, $358
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $864; segregated, $558; total, $1,422
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $7; total, $7
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Non-Canadian fixed income, $103; real estate, $47; hedge funds, $852
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $5,023; passive, $166; total, $5,189
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 2
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $613; total, $613
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $5,802


Amundi Canada
Contact: Tanya Bishop, Senior VP
Address: 2000 McGill College Avenue
Montreal, QC, H3A 3H3
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 68.93%; publicly held, 29.2%; third party, 1.88% (employees and treasure shares)
Investment professionals: 100+
Established: 1960
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate, $20
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $6,595.14; DC pension, $372.9; foundation & not-for-profit, $15.8; private, $12.3; retail mutual funds (direct), $4,115.97 (retail distributors); total, $11,112.11; others, $853.2 (government-related + insurance general fund)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 20
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $74.01; total, $74.01
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $811.62; segregated, $4,382.71; total, $5,194.33
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Non-Canadian fixed income, $1,226; real estate: $357.9; high-yield bonds, $81.9; currency overlay, $4,261.2; other, $769.9
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $824.1; passive, $5,771.03; total, $6,595.14
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 4
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $372.9; total, $372.9
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $6,968.06 


Contact: Yvonne Davidson
Principal, Capital Raising & Investor Relations
Address: 1 York Street (Suite 1100)
Toronto, ON
M5J 0B6
PH: 647-335-4096
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 36%; publicly held, 51%; third party, 13% (Tetragon Financial Group, a legacy partner of GreenOak)
Investment professionals: 74 in Canada; 270 globally
Established: 1911
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1, separate, $10
Manager style: Style bias – core
Management style: Active
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Real estate investment management services
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $6,421; DC pension, $203; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,101; private, $31; total, $28,422; others – insurance company, $20,176; fund of funds, $490
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 78
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Real estate, $6,421
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $6,421 total, $6,421
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 2
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $203; total, $203
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $6,624


Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.
Contact: Tim Hylton
Senior Vice President, Client Service & Business
Address: 2000-20 Eglinton Ave. West
Toronto, ON, M4R 1K8
PH: 416-485-1010
Fax: 416-485-1799
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 51%; third party, 49% (Affiliated Managers Group, Inc.)
Investment professionals: 24
Established: 1967
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $25
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – value
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – duration
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $12,192; DC pension, $13,802; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,567; private, $2,717; retail mutual funds (direct), $2,258; total, $43,800; others, $11,265
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 54
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $345, segregated, $1,100, total, $1,445
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $988; segregated, $2647; total, $3,635
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $1267; segregated, $3,808; total, $5,076
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $155; segregated, $511; total, $667
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $818; total, $818
Other asset classes (CDN $M): $551
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $12,192; total, $12,192
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 12
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $13,802
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $25,994


Black Creek Investment Management Inc. 
Contact: Simone Edwards 
Director, Sales and Consultant Relations 
123 Front Street West, Suite 1200 
Toronto, ON, M5J 2M2 
Phone: 647-338-9521 
Fax: 416-236-5117 
Email: [email protected] 
Ownership structure: Principals, 100% 
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate $50 
Manager style: Size bias, all cap; style bias, core; management style, active 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Asset management 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $868.69; foundation & not-for-profit, $436.06; private client, $116.29; others – sub-advised assets, $7,169.62 
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $514.28; segregated, $354.41; total $868.69


Bonnefield Financial Inc. 
Contact: Andrea Gruza 
Managing Partner 
141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 510 
Toronto, ON, M5H 3L5 
Phone: 416-309-4487 
Email: [email protected] 
Investment professionals: 10 
Established: 2009 
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5 (waived at GP discretion); separate, $25 
Manager style: Style bias, core; management style, active; other – Leading Canadian natural capital investment manager that invests in farmland and agribusiness, providing capital to progressive farmers and agribusiness operators through land-lease financing and non-controlling equity solutions 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB Pension, $940; private client, $150; others –fund of funds, $65, family office, $100, GP commitment, $6 
Canadian plan sponsors for whom you provide DB pension asset management: 11 
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Other, $940 
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $940; total $940 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $940 
Bonnefield’s Canadian farmland funds all pursue the same investment strategy whereby those funds seek to invest in diverse portfolios of Canadian farmland on an unlevered basis under a sale-leaseback model. In late Q2 2023, Bonnefield launched a new fund, Bonnefield Canadian Agribusiness LP I (“BAF”), which invests non-controlling capital in essential assets and leading agribusinesses where Bonnefield can enable operators to achieve their long-term goals through a customized financing solution. 


Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.
Contact: Mike Sandrasagra
Vice President, Global Head of Consultant Relations
Address: 181 Bay Street, Suite 4510
Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3
PH: 416-869-8980
Fax: 416-869-1700
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 30
Established: 1990
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate, $10
Manager style: Style bias – value 
Management style: Active; fixed income – active; bond – credit; market capitalization – small, mid, large, all
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Discretionary investment management services
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $4,501; DC pension, $899; foundation & not-for-profit, $5,149; private, $13,297; others, $3,316 (corporations, insurance)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 57
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $643; segregated, $465; total, $1,108
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN$M): Pooled, $49; segregated, $101; total, $151
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $24; total, $24
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $3; segregated, $1,343; total, $1,346
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,086; segregated, $342; total, $1,428
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $440; total, $440
Other asset classes (CDN $M): EM mandate
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $4,501
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 7
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $899; total, $899
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $5,400


Canada Life
Contact: Derrick March
Senior Vice-President, Business Development, Workplace Solutions
Address: 330 University Avenue
Toronto, ON, M5G 1R8
PH: 416-597-1456
Fax: 416-552-3300
Email: [email protected]
Manager style: Size bias – small cap; style bias – core
Management style: Passive; fixed income; bond – yield curve
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $3,565.87; DC pension, $23,013.11; private, $2,330.23; retail mutual funds (direct), $1,730.80; others – segregated funds, $11,207.78; total, $30,640.01
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 164
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $3,565.87; total, $3,565.87
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 2,575
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $3565.87; group RRSP, $23,013.11; total, $26,578.98
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $30,144.85
This data represents our directly managed assets. Canada Life uses third-party managers for most of the mandates we offer to pension plan investors. Group RRSP is combined with DPSP.


Cameron Stephens Mortgage Capital
Contact: Parker Brown, Sales Manager,
Capital Markets
Address: 320 Bay Street, suite 1700
Toronto, ON, M5H 4A6
PH: 705-834-1127
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100% (Scott Cameron and George Frankfort)
Investment professionals: 35
Established: 2004
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.1; separate, $25
Manager style: Fixed income 
Management style: Active; other – private mortgage manager
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Pooled mortgage fund available
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): Private, $0.8; others – financial institutions, $3,200
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Real estate, $4,000
We manage assets for large financial institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, and credit unions. The balance is held with family offices and HNW individuals.


Canso Investment Counsel Ltd.
Contact: Jason Davis, Portfolio Manager, 
Vice President Client Service & Marketing
Address: 550 – 100 York Boulevard
Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 1J8
PH: 905-881-8853
Fax: 905-881-1466
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 29
Established: 1997
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $250
Manager style: Fixed income 
Management style: Active; bond – credit
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Private debt, long and corporate products and services
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $7,889.3; DC pension, $21.3; foundation & not-for-profit, $401.1; private, $25,611; total, $47,782.7; others, $13,860 (sub-advised/insurance/corporate)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 28
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $211.7; segregated $7,698.9; total, $7,910.6
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $7,889.3; total, $7,889.3
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 2
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $21.3; total, $21.3
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $7,910.6


Capital Group Canada
Contact: Kevin Martino
Vice-President, Institutional
Address: Brookfield Place, 181 Bay St., Ste. 3100
Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3
PH: 416-815-2128
Fax: 213-486-9223
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 472
Established: 1931
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $15; separate, $125 (separately managed accounts minimum investment is subject to confirmation of account details)
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – core
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – credit
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Provide recordkeeper daily pricing feed, recordkeeper/DC plan sponsor fund data, and
commentary for fund data pages (which are produced by the recordkeeper)
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $112; DC pension, $711; foundation & not-for-profit, $100; retail mutual funds (direct), $16,385; total, $17,308; others –$3,890 (subadvisory and SMA AUM)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $112; total, $112
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $112; total, $112
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 6
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $711; total, $711
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: 823


CIBC Asset Management
Contact: Carlo DiLalla, CFA
Managing Director and Head, 
Institutional Asset Management
Address: 161 Bay St., Ste. 2230
Toronto, ON, M5J 2S1
PH: 416-980-2768
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party: 100% (CIBC Asset Management Inc. is a member of the CIBC Group)
Investment professionals: 95
Established: 1972
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $25
Manager style: Other: size bias – small, mid, large, all cap; style bias – value, grow
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $25,852.5; DC pension, $1,879.9; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,373.8; private, $3,086.8; retail mutual funds (direct), $132,159.7; others, $60,844.1
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 43
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $52.3; segregated, $51.6; total, $103.9
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $6.5; segregated, $154.5; total, $161.0
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,754.5; segregated, $13,172.5; total, $14,926.9
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $433.5; segregated, $339.5; total, $773.0
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $3.3; total, $3.3
Other asset classes (CDN$M):
Currency Overlay: 8755.9
Other: 1128.4
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $12,445; 
Passive, $13,407.5; total, $25,852.5
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 5
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $1,879.9; total, $1879.9
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $27,732.4


CI Global Asset Management 
Head of National Accounts and  
Institutional Asset Management 
15 York Street 
Toronto, ON, M5J 0A3 
Phone: 416-364-1145 
Email: [email protected] 
Investment professionals: 95 
Established: 1965 
Manager style: Size bias, all cap; style bias, core; management style, active; fixed income Management style: Active; bond, duration  Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $1,161.66; DC pension, $1,963.7; foundation & not-for-profit, $269.7; private client, $147.5; retail mutual funds (direct), $118,819.2; total $126,461; others, $4,099.1 (financial intermediaries, First Nations and other non-pension clients) 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $3,125.35 


Clarion Partners
Contact: Hugh Macdonnell
Managing Director
230 Park Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY, 10169
PH: 212-883-2500
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 18%; third party, 82%
Investment professionals: 211
Established: 1982
Manager style: Style bias – core; active
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $4,399; foundation & not-for-profit, $45; total, $4,496; others – fund-of-funds
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 16
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Real estate, $4,496
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $4,496; total, $4,496
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $4,496


Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial
Group Ltd.
Contact: Brent Wilkins
Head of Institutional Sales (Canada)
Address: 1400-130 King St. W., P.O. Box 240
Toronto, ON, M5X 1C8
PH: 416-862-2020
Fax: 416-363-2089
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 246
Established: 1982
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate, $10
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – core 
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – duration; other – also managed on a growth and value style. Bond management style includes duration, credit and yield curve
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: CAP Services – investment management and client service
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $23,344.70; DC pension, $10,569.90; other managers, available; foundation & not-for-profit, $3,512.2; private, $16,515.3; retail mutual funds (direct), $1,100.3; total, $101,219.8; others, $46,177.40
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 217
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $2,000.8; segregated, $154.9; total, $2,155.7
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,731; segregated, $3,444.3; total, $5,175.30
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $986.00; segregated, $2,830.5; total, $3,816.5
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled – available; segregated – available; total, available
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $2,007.1; segregated, $520.2; total, $2,527.3
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $172.60; segregated, $639.20; total, $811.80
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Real estate, $3,331.4; infrastructure, $712; high-yield bonds, $14.2; hedge funds, $3,985.80; other, $814.90
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $23,344.70; total, $23,344.70
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 18
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $10,411.9; group RRSP, $158; total, $10,569.90
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $33,914.60


Desjardins Global Asset Management
Contact: Natalie Bisaillon
Vice President & Chief of Partnerships & Institutional Client Relations
Address: 1, Complexe Desjardins, 20th Floor, South Tower
Montreal, QC, H5B 1B2
PH: 514-214-5742
Fax: 514-281-7253
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party, 100% (Desjardins Global Asset Management is part of the Desjardins Group which is a financial services co-operative that belongs to its members)
Investment professionals: 95
Established: 1998
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate, $50
Manager style: Size bias – large cap; style bias – value 
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – duration; other – duration, credit, yield curve
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Desjardins Global Asset Management is a provider of investment solutions for DC programs, offered primarily on the Desjardins DC platform.
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $11,085; DC pension, $116; foundation & not-for-profit: 268; retail mutual funds (direct), $35,652; total, $10,7924; others, $60,803
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 2
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $146
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $3
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $8,157
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $46
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Cash, $38, infrastructure, $2,695
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $11,085
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 4
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $116
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $11,201


Equate Asset Management Inc 
Contact: Brennan Carson 
Partner & Portfolio Manager 
1155 North Service Rd W, Unit 11 
Oakville, ON, L6M 3E3 
Phone: 905-464-0989 
Email: [email protected] 
Ownership structure: Principals, 100% 
Investment professionals: 4 
Established: 2016 
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate $5 
Manager style: Size bias, all cap; style bias, core; management style, active, fixed income Management style: Active; bond, duration 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Employer-led DC conversion plans; plan member direct investment accounts 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DC pension, $4; foundation & not-for-profit, $15; private client, $180; retail mutual funds (direct), $10; total $240; other – institutional insurance capital 
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $4 
Canadian plan sponsors for whom you provide DC pension asset management: 4 
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $1; Group RRSP, $3; total $4 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: 4 
Pension program just launched in Q2 2024 


Contact: Aaron Pittman
SVP, Head of Canadian Institutional Investments
333 Bay Street, Suite 1800
Toronto, ON, M5H 2R2
PH: 416-758-8700 x119
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: 100%
Investment professionals: 10
Established: 2015
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Separate, $5
ERIFT Investment AUM (CDN $M): total, $1.06B
Equiton is a private equity real estate firm with a track record of providing clients with exposure to the investment benefits of the multifamily segment. Portfolios are constructed with a risk-adjusted return profile objective of capital preservation coupled with income and growth potential through, and across, markets and economic cycles.


Fidelity Canada Institutional
Contact: Michael Barnett
Executive Vice-president, Institutional
Address: 483 Bay St.
Toronto, ON, M5G 2N7
PH: 416 307-5200
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: Over 1,300 investment professionals across Canada, U.S. and international, providing sub-advisory services to Fidelity Investments Canada.
Established: 1987
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $7.5; separate – varies by strategy
Manager style: Size bias, style bias
Management style: fixed-income; bond – varies by strategy
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment only
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN$M): DB pension, $14,930.5; DC pension, $25,466.54; other managers, $4,696.24; foundation & not-for-profit, $969.02; retail mutual funds (direct), $195,695.77; total, $247,875.43; others, $61,17.35 (corporate, packaged programs, insurance, intermediate and ETF)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 65
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $25.34; segregated, $234.05; total, $259.40
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $1130.44, segregated, $8,968.22; total, $10,098.67
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $19,85.02; segregated, $1,113.81; total, $3,098.83
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $62.67; segregated, $218.43; total, $281.10
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $313.93; segregated, $213.75; total, $527.68
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $53.82; total, $53.82
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 10


Fiera Capital Corporation
Contact: Sarah Aves
Co-Head of Canadian Institutional Clients
Address: 1981 McGill College Avenue, Suite 1500
Montreal, QC, H3A 0H5
PH: 514-954-6468
Fax: 514-954-9692
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 21%; publicly held, 79%
Investment professionals: 230
Established: 2003
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate, $20
Manager style: Size bias – large cap; style bias – GARP
Management style: Active; fixed income; other – Fiera Capital manages a diversified public markets fixed-income platform that aims to deliver durable and resilient alpha through investment capabilities ranging from bottom-up credit selection, top-down duration and yield positioning, overlays, US credit and high yield.
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Fiera Capital has extensive experience developing innovative solutions for Defined Contribution Pension Plan clients. We are proud to offer unique expertise in traditional and alternative investment solutions, both in terms of income and capital appreciation, allowing Fiera Capital to distinguish itself and offer its clients solutions that will help them achieve their performance objectives across all market environments.

  • Client experience focused - As an independent asset manager, Fiera Capital has invested considerable resources to ensure our client experience is among the best in the industry. We have a demonstrated track record of bringing on board new clients and continuing to grow and nurture these relationships. We have a team of client and asset class specialists dedicated to providing timely communication, delivering thought leadership, proactively discussing market opportunities, and keeping clients informed on market developments.
  • Solutions focus - We have a robust risk management framework and a demonstrated track record of building and managing portfolios that include traditional and non-traditional asset classes.
  • Extensive investment platform: The breadth of Fiera Capital’s investment platform across traditional and alternative strategies lends support to our ability to deliver solutions today, as well as for the future evolution of our clients’ investment programs.
  • Value-added services: Fiera Capitals provides clients with access to Multi-Asset Class Solutions (MACS), Tactical Asset Allocation, Sustainable Investments, and thought leadership services and capabilities including:
  • Long-term strategic asset allocation optimization based on organization-specific objectives and constraints.
  • Investment policy guidance and development
  • Implementation of asset allocation and rebalancing
  • ESG policy guidance and development
  • Disbursement (spending) policy and smoothing policy guidance and development
  • Aid and support with year-end processes, customized financial reporting with integration into client’s existing financial processes
  • Ad-hoc analyses and support

Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $22,327.32; DC pension, $8,167.73; other managers, $2,819.08; foundation & not-for-profit, $12,829.09; private, $22,540.47; retail mutual funds (direct), $19,748.54; total, $105,208; others, $16,775.76


Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. 
Contact: Gabriel Lopezpineda 
Vice President, Client Relationship &  
Business Development Manager 
1 Adelaide Street East, Suite 2600 
Toronto, ON, M5C 2V9 
Phone: 416-848-1948 
Fax: 416-367-1183 
Email: [email protected] 
Ownership structure: Principals, 36%; third party, 64% (Affiliated Managers Group, Inc.) 
Investment professionals: 18 
Established: 1980 
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate – dependent on strategy 
Manager style: Style bias, value; management style, active; fixed income, active; other – size bias, small, large, all cap; bond, duration, credit 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management 
Investment AUM by your firm for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $1,791; DC pension, $184; foundation & not-for-profit, $158; private client, $2,647; retail mutual funds (direct), $283; total $6,536; others, $1,473 (governments and corporations) 
Canadian plan sponsors for whom you provide DB pension asset management: 17 
Balanced Account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $378; segregated, $293; total $671 
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $8; segregated, $960; total, $968 
Canadian fixed income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $138; total $138 
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $14; total $14 
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $1,791; total $1,791 
Canadian plan sponsors for whom you provide DC pension plan asset management: $7 
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): total $184 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $1,975 


Franklin Templeton
Contact: Dennis Tew
Head of Sales, Canada
Address: 200 King St. W, Ste. 1400
Toronto, ON, M5H 3T4
PH: 416-957-6023
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 36%; publicly held, 64%
Investment professionals: 1,500
Established: 1947
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate, $20–$250 (depending on mandate)
Manager style: Active; fixed income 
Management style: Active; size bias – large cap, mid cap, small cap, all cap; style – value, growth, core, GARP; bond – duration, credit, yield curve
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $7,629; DC pension, $5,790; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,431; private, $1,635; retail mutual funds (direct): $13,422; total, $51,174; others, $21,267
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 58
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $405; segregated, $591; total, 996
Canadian equity specialist assets in (CDN $M): Pooled, $698; segregated: $378; total, $1,076
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $149; segregated, $907; total, $1,056
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $15; segregated $2,856; total, $2,871
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $41; segregated, $373; $total, 414
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $57; segregated, $55; total, $112
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Cash, $4; private equity, $2,172; non-Canadian fixed income, $3,320; real estate, $415; infrastructure $62; hedge funds, $2; other, $919
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $7,629; total, R7,629
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 11
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $5,790; total, $5,790
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $13,419\


Guardian Capital LP
Contact: Robin Lacey
Head of Institutional Asset Management
Address: 199 Bay St., Commerce Court W., Ste. 2700
Toronto, ON, M5L 1E8
PH: 416-947-4082
Fax: 416-364-9634
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party, 100% (Guardian Capital LP is wholly owned by Guardian Capital Group Limited, a publicly listed company that trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange)
Investment professionals: 55
Established: 1962
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate – varies by mandate
Management style: Yield curve, credit; other, size bias – mid-to-large cap; style bias – growth, GARP, core bond 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Produce comprehensive quarterly client reports, monthly updates, and flash reports; attend client meetings; a dedicated client servicing executive will provide service to clients with educational requirements
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $2465.7; DC pension, $224; foundation & not-for-profit, $251.3; private, $121.8; total, $19,944.9; others, $16,882.1
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 22
Balanced account assets (CDN$M): Pooled, $74.3; segregated, $67.1; total, $141.4
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $11.5; segregated, $430.3; total, 441.8
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $6.6; segregated, $635.8; total, $642.3
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $134.53; segregated, $1,105.7; total, $1,240.3
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $2,465.8; total, $2,465.8
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 2
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $224; total, $224
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $2,689.8


Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.
Contact: Harry Marmer, EVP
1 First Canadian Place 
100 King Street West, 
Suite 5900, P.O. Box 477
Toronto, ON, M5X 1E4
PH: 416-913-3907
Fax: 416-913-3901
Email: [email protected]
Third party –
Hillsdale is an institutional investment boutique aligned with its clients’ best interests.
Investment professionals: 25
Established: 1996
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $2; separate, $25
Management style: Style bias – core; active; other – We specialize in client-driven bespoke investment mandates including ESG strategies
Services provided to DC pension plan clients:
Hillsdale is an institutional investment boutique renowned for designing systematic, bespoke investment strategies across diverse objectives, including high alpha, ESG, and smart beta. Hillsdale manages strategies for a select group of sophisticated investors and invests alongside them to ensure alignment. The company is committed to producing the highest-quality investment strategies and delivering exceptional client service. Hillsdale is recognized for its investment and service excellence reflecting our relentless pursuit of research and development and the dedication of its employees.
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $1,304; DC pension, $140; other managers, $666; foundation & not-for-profit, $193; private, $141; total, $3,823; others, $1,379
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 12
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $264; segregated, $393; total, $657
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $67; segregated, $137, total, $204
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $443; total, $443
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $1,304; total, $1,304
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 1
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $140; total, $140
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $1,444
Hillsdale is an institutional investment boutique renowned for designing systematic, bespoke investment strategies across diverse objectives, including high alpha, ESG, and smart beta. Hillsdale manages strategies for a select group of sophisticated investors and invests alongside them to ensure alignment. The company is committed to producing the highest-quality investment strategies and delivering exceptional client service. Hillsdale is recognized for its investment and service excellence reflecting our relentless pursuit of research and development and the dedication of its employees.


Jarislowsky Fraser Limited
Contact: Jeff Horbal, Lead, Consultant Relations and Senior Institutional Portfolio Manager
Address: 1010 Sherbrooke Street, 20th Floor
Montreal, QC, H3A 2R7
PH: 514-842-2727
Email: [email protected]
Ownership: Wholly owned subsidiary of Scotiabank
Investment professionals: 32
Established: 1955
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate, $25
Manager style: Size bias – large cap; style bias – GARP
Management style: Active
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $12,570.09; DC pension, $5,802.78 foundation & not-for-profit, $6,105.17; total, $51,205.7
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 117 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $18,372.87


Contact: Catherine Heath
Principal, Portfolio Manager – Institutional Clients
Address: 400 Burrard Street, Suite 1500
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3A6
PH: 604-683-3391
Fax: 604-683-0323
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 47
Established: 1982
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $3; separate, $10
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – value
Management style: Active; fixed income 
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: We offer a wide range of investment solutions to meet our clients’ diverse needs, including balanced, specialty fixed income, specialty equity and customized liability driven mandates
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $7,225.7; DC pension, $3,856.9; other managers, $3,125.1; foundation & not-for-profit, $2,326.5; private, $4,143.1; retail mutual funds (direct), $115.5; total, $26,130.8
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 46
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $7,225.7; total, $7,225.7
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 22
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $3,856.9; total, $3,856.9
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $11,082.6


Letko Brosseau
Contact: David Després
Vice President, Investment Services, Partner
Address: 1800 McGill College Avenue,
Bureau 2510
Montreal, QC, H3A 3J6
PH: 514-499-1200
Fax: 514-499-0361
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 77.4% (founders) and 7.8% (active employees); third party, 14.8% (Group of private individuals not involved in firm operation; includes Thomas Birks, chair of the board)
Investment professionals: 22
Established: 1987
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.3; separate, $5
Management style (equities): Active; size bias – all cap; style bias – value
Management style (fixed income): Active; bond – duration
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $6,660.3; DC pension, $367.9; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,083.8; private, $6,896.7; total, $16,285.4; others – corporates/governments $1,134.7; other institutional, $142
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 78
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $170.4; segregated, $1,369.7; total, $1,540.1
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $251.8; segregated, $3,625.6;  total, $3,877.4
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $1.5; total, $1.5
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $385; segregated, $847.9; total, $1,223.9
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Mining equities, $16.9
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $6,660.3; total, $6,660.3
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 4
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $367.9; total, $367.9
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $7,028.3


Lincluden Investment Management
Contact: Wayne Wilson
Vice President
Address: 201 City Centre Drive, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON, L5B 2T4
PH: 905-273-3018
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 40%; third party, 60% (Morguard Corporation)
Investment professionals: 7
Established: 1982
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.15; separate, $0.15
Management style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – value; active; fixed income; bond, duration


Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
Contact: Neeraj Jain
Institutional Portfolio Manager
Address: 79 Wellington Street West TD South Tower, Suite 3410, Box 276
Toronto, ON, M5K 1J5
PH: 416-865-3929
Fax: 844-401-3738
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 45
Established: 1974
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $50
Management style: Size bias – all cap; active; fixed income; active, style bias – quality at the right price; bond, duration, credit, yield curve
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management services along with periodic written pieces including
discussion papers, blog articles, podcasts, and quarterly investment updates
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $12,624.8; DC pension, $8,683.5; foundation & not-for-profit, $5,501.4;
private, $12,774.1; retail mutual funds (direct), $8,295.3; total, $85,333.7; others, $37,454.6
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 111
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $920.8; total, $920.8
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $751.5; segregated, $1,296.5; total, $2,048
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $221.5; total, $221.5
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $172.9; segregated, $38.1; total, $211
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $4,333.9; segregated, $3,443.6; total, $7,777.5
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,379.9; segregated, $37.4; total, $1,417.3
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Cash, $28.7
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $12,624.8; total, 12,624.8 Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 17
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $8,683.5; total, $8,683.5
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $21,308.3


MFS Investment Management Canada Limited
Contact: Christine Girvan
Senior Managing Director – Institutional Sales, 
Head of Canadian Distribution
Address: 77 King St. W., 35th Floor
Toronto, ON, M5K 1B7
PH: 416-361-7273
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, up to 20%; third party, 80% (Sun Life Financial, Inc.)
Investment professionals: 323
Established: 1924
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Separate – dependent on the strategy
Management style: Size bias – all cap; active; fixed income; active, style bias – value, growth, GARP, core; bond – duration, credit, yield curve
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: asset management
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $5,142.6; DC pension, $13,864; foundation & not-for-profit: $1,648.8; total, $41,203.5; others, 20,495.3 (includes insurance, investment, subadvisory)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 34
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $354.2; segregated, $3,776.4; total, $730.6
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $131.5; total, $131.5
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $451.7; segregated, $130.7; total, $582.4
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $914.9; segregated, $1,772.6; total, $2,687.5
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $512.5; segregated, $497.9; total, $1,010.4
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $5,142.6; total, $5,142.6
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 9
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $13,864
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $19,006.5
All data as of June 30, 2024. Please note for question 20 that Group RSP is included in the DC pension plan total.


NEI Investments
Contact: Tasos Dimitriou Director, Institutional Sales
Address: 151 Yonge St., Suite 1200 Toronto, ON, H3B 4W5
PH: 416-453-2400 Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Privately owned 100% (in 2018, NEI merged with Credential Financial Inc., and QTrade Canada Inc., to form Aviso Wealth. Aviso Ownership Structure: Caisse Central Desjardins du Québec, 50%; Credit Union Centrals 50%
Investment professionals: 11
Established: 1986
Minimum investment (CDN $M): 500K
Management style: Style bias – all cap; style bias – core; active; fixed income; active; We offer funds across multiple manager styles, core asset classes.
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN$M): 1.55 billion Institutional ; retail mutual funds (direct), $17.9 billion; total, $19.45 billion
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (in CDN $M): $200 total
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $650 million; foundation & not-for- profit, $700 million;


Pictet Asset Management
Contact: Francois Forget
Head of Distribution – Canada
Address: 1000 de la Gauchetière West,
Suite 3100
Montreal, QC, H3B 4W5
PH: 514-518-8587
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100% (Pictet Asset Management is held at 100% by the Pictet Asset Management Holding SA, Geneva. Pictet Asset Management Holding SA is in turn ultimately owned by the seven partners of the Pictet Group)
Investment professionals: 414
Established: 1980 (parent company, 1805)
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1.6; separate, $50
Management style: Style bias – all cap; style bias – growth; active; fixed income; bond – duration; other – varies with strategies: size bias - small cap, mid cap, large cap, all cap; style bias – growth, GARP, core; bond – duration, credit
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management, including customized solutions
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $228.8; total, $228.8; others, $58.2 (Family Office), $427.7 (subadvisory)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 2
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Non-Canadian fixed income, $227.1; hedge funds: $1.6
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $228.8; total, $228.8
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $228.8
Pictet Asset Management is a specialist asset manager offering investment solutions and services globally. With an office in Montreal since 1974, we have been managing assets for Canadian institutional clients for 40+ years. We strive to meet our clients’ changing needs with pioneering strategies and excellent client service. A leader in environmental and sustainable strategies, responsibility is central to our way of thinking. As a multi-boutique firm, we offer a range of equity, fixed income and alternative capabilities.


Picton Mahoney Asset Management
Contact: Connor Haslip
Vice President, Institutional Business
Address: 33 Yonge Street, Suite 320
Toronto, ON, M5E 1G4
PH: 416-955-4555
Fax: 416-955-4100
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 44
Established: 2004
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $10; separate, $25
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – growth; 
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond, credit
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management solutions (liquid alternative funds, mutual funds), portfolio construction
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $1,519; foundation & not-for-profit: 76; retail mutual funds (direct), $5,506; total, $10,699; others – offering memorandum funds, $1,009; subadvisory, $1,460; corporate, $836; insurance, $294
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 4
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $442; segregated, $789; total, $1,230
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $288; total, $288
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Hedge funds, $674
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $1,519; total, $1,519


QV Investors Inc.
Contact: Darren Dansereau
Chief Executive Officer
Address: Suite 1008, 222 – 3 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 0B4
PH: 403-265-7007
Fax: 403-266-6524
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals: QV is 100% owned by employees across all levels of the firm
Investment professionals: 19
Established: 1996
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.5; Separate, $10
Management style: Value; Active
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: We provide active, discretionary investment management services
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $671.96; DC pension, $395.76; foundation & not-for-profit, $24.62; private, $543.38; retail mutual funds (direct), $2,723.56;1 others, $553.24 (insurance and institutional corporate accounts); total, $4,912.52
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 6
Pension DB balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $112.79
Pension DB Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $229.01; segregated, $330.16; total, $559.17
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $671.96
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 3
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $395.76
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients (CDN $M): $1,067.72
1Assets we manage on behalf of mutual funds. 


Russell Investments 
Contact: Chris Wright 
Director, Institutional Sales 
100 King Street West Suite 5715 
Toronto, ON, M5X 1E4 
Phone: 1-866-737-2228 
Email: [email protected] 
Ownership structure: Russell Investments' ownership is composed of a majority stake held by funds managed by TA Associates Management, L.P., with a significant minority stake held by funds managed by Reverence Capital Partners, L.P. Certain of Russell Investments' employees and Hamilton Lane Advisors, LLC also hold minority, non-controlling, ownership stakes. 
Investment professionals: 311 
Established: 1936 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $3,573; DC pension, $61; foundation & not-for-profit, $479; private client, $243; retail mutual funds (direct), $6,592; total $10,948 
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $3,634 


Setanta Asset Management
Contact: Rocco Vessio
Business Development
Address:190 Simcoe St
Toronto, ON, M5T 2W5
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Publicly held, $100 (parent company – Great West Life Co.)
Investment professionals: 19
Established: 1998
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate, $25
Management style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – value; active; fixed income; passive; bond – duration; other – Bottom-up fundamental value investors. The research process aims to understand how each business functions and consider risks pertinent to the business. Securities are chosen by a team of global sector specialists, targeting sensible diversification across industries, geographies and market capitalizations. 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $583.05; DC pension, $36.16; foundation & not-for-profit, $2.07; retail mutual funds (direct), $1,844.32; total, $2,465.6
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $443.36; total, $443.36
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $0.13; total, $0.13
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Other, $0.76
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $444.24; total, $ 444.24
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $36.16; total, $36.16
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $3,486.61


Contact: Cormac Mac Lochlainn
Executive Vice President
Address: 20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1201
Toronto, ON, M5C 2T6
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Originally founded with the support of three of Canada’s largest insurance companies (which had a 30% ownership interest), the firm has been 100% independent and management-owned since 2021.
Investment professionals: 17
Established: 1998
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, varies by fund; separate, varies by mandate
Asset classes: Stonebridge focuses on private debt and credit investments lending to infrastructure, renewable power, healthcare, real estate and corporate sectors.
Style bias: Investment-grade, core and core-plus
Management style: Private fixed income; passive and active
Overview: Time-tested, future-focused, Stonebridge Financial has a quarter century of private debt solutions for both regulated and other institutional investors. Having cumulatively financed over $8 billion of loans since inception, the firm has a proven track record of providing prudent and well-structured offerings on behalf of its clients.
CAP Services: Stonebridge Financial provides discretionary investment management solutions by asset class as well as multi-sector strategies, with both short and long-duration, as well as pooled and segregated offerings available.
Investment AUM and administration summary: Stonebridge Financial manages and administers capital on behalf of pension plans, labour unions, insurance companies, banks, municipalities, foundations, universities, government entities, as well as for other managers and institutional investors. Co-investment opportunities for investors as well as sub-advisory services for other managers also available.
Total investment assets (CDN $M): $3,127


SLC Management
Contact: Heather Wolfe
Senior Managing Director, 
Head of Canadian Business Development
Address: 1 York Street
Toronto, ON, M5J 0B6
PH: 416-408-7834
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party, 100% (Sun Life Capital Management [Canada] Inc. is an SLC Management company that is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Sun Life Financial Inc., a publicly traded company listed on the Toronto [TSX], New York [NYSE] and Philippine [PSE] stock exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.)
Investment professionals: 169
Established: 2013
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, varied by pooled fund; separate, varies by mandate
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – credit; other – Our primary source of value-add within our fixed-income teams is credit analysis. We typically do not take active interest rate positions.
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: We offer investment management services to defined contribution pension plans through Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada’s Group Retirement Services Business Unit. 
3 Information as of June 30, 2024. SLC Management is the brand name under which Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc. operates. Figures include assets of SLC Management’s collective operations, including Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc.


Sun Life Global Investments
Contact: Anne Meloche
Head of Institutional Business
Address: 1 York Street
Toronto, ON, M5J 0B6
PH: 1-877-344-1434
Fax: 1-855-329-7544
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Publicly held, 100%
Investment professionals: 13
Established: 2010
Manager style: All manager styles
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: full suite of funds; communications; education; governance reporting Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DC pension, $22,139; retail mutual funds (direct), $11,414; total, $38,821; others: $5,269
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 6,437
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $22,139; other: $16,682; total, $38,821
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $38,821M


T. Rowe Price
Contact: Lauren Bloom
Head of Canada
Address: 77 King Street West, TD North Tower, Suite 4240
Toronto, ON, M5K 1G8
PH: 647-355-6887
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Publicly held, 100% (T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is an independent, publicly traded company with significant employee ownership. Common stock owned outright by our associates, combined with outstanding vested stock options and unvested restricted stock awards, total nearly 7% of the firm’s outstanding shares and outstanding vested stock options at December 31, 2023.)
Investment professionals: 912
Established: 1937
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5; separate, varies by strategy and product
Manager style: Size bias – small, mid, large, all cap; style bias – value, growth, GARP, core
Management style: Active; fixed income style – active, passive; bond style – duration, credit, yield curve
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management only for Canadian clients
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $1,552.8; DC pension, $1,825.7; foundation & not-for-profit, $1,117.9; others, $11,628.2
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 6
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $1,552.8
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 6
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $1,825.7; total, $1,825.7
Total investment assets (CDN $M): $16,124.6


TD Global Investment Solutions
Contact: Mark Cestnik
Managing Director
Address: TD Canada Trust Tower, 161Bay St., 30th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T2
PH: 416-274-1742
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party, 100% (Under the brand name “TD Global Investment Solutions” [TDGIS], TDAM offers its products and services to institutional investors. The TDGIS brand represents the institutional asset management businesses of TD Bank Group globally)
Investment professionals: 317
Established: 1987
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $17; separate, $50
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – core
Management style: Passive; fixed income; bond – yield curve; other, size bias – large cap, all cap; style – value, growth, GARP, core (management: active, passive; FI mgmt, active, passive; bond mgmt, credit, yield curve; other: minimum variance [low volatility])
Services provided to DC pension plan clients: Investment management 
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $136,268.33; DC pension, $18,617.23; other managers, $393.73; foundation & not-for-profit, $7,365.24; private, $58,154.66; retail mutual funds (direct), $167,989.92; total, $388,789.11; others, $43,178.49 (insurance, corporate and other)
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 291
Balanced account assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $109.44; total, $109.44
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $2,811.06; segregated: $9.21; total, $2,820.27
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $22,122.27; segregated, $14,067.41; total, $36,189.68
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $4,486.45; segregated, $171.26; total, $4,657.71
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $7,057.91; segregated, $1,404.47; total, $8,462.38
Global equity specialist assets for EAFE mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,030.78; segregated, $18.01; total, $1,048.79
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Cash, $2,334.65; non-Canadian fixed income, $ 1.17; real estate, $15,922.88; infrastructure, $897.68; currency overlay, $9,301.09; other, $54,522.60
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $45,611.39; passive, $90,656.95; total, $136,268.34
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 37
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): DC pension, $19,010.96; total, $19.010.96
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $155,279.29
Minimum investment for separately managed accounts (CDN $M): Active, $50; passive, $200


Trans-Canada Capital
Contact: Jean-Francois Milette
Global Head, Client Solutions
Address: 1800 McGill College Ave., Suite 2000
Montreal, QC, H3A 3J
PH: 514-397-7370
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Third party, 100% (Air Canada)
Investment professionals: 44
Established: 2019
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $5
Manager style: Size bias – all cap; style bias – core
Management style: Active; fixed income; bond – credit; other, relative value approach in fixed income to expand the opportunity set
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $29,600; other managers, $648; foundation & not-for-profit, $84; private, $64; retail mutual funds (direct), $20; total, $30,416
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 3
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $326; total, $326
Canadian fixed-income specialist assets (CDN $M): Pooled, $4,128; segregated, $12,850; total, $16,978
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $1,648; total, $1,648
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Hedge funds, $3,169; other: $8,264
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $29,600; total, $29,600
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $29,600


Van Berkom Global Asset Management Capital
Contact: Andy Kong
Senior Director, Institutional Markets
Address: 600 de Maisonneuve Blvd Street West, Suite 2510
Montreal, QC, H3A 3J2
PH: 514-985-0909
Fax: 514-985-2430
Email: [email protected]
Ownership structure: Principals, 100%
Investment professionals: 16
Established: 1991
Minimum investment (CDN $M): Pooled, $1; separate, $5
Manager style: Size bias – small cap; style bias – core
Management style: Active; other – quality
Investment AUM for Canadian clients (CDN $M): DB pension, $2,721; DC pension, $155; foundation & not-for-profit, $161; private, $33; total, $3,070
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DB pension asset management: 14
Canadian equity specialist assets (CDN$M): Segregated, $349; total, $349
US equity specialist assets (CDN $M): Segregated, $4,696; total, $4,696
Global equity specialist assets for global mandates (CDN $M): Pooled, $12; segregated, $28; total, $40
Other asset classes (CDN $M): Other – greater China, $39M equity
Pension fund AUM for Canadian plan sponsors of DB pension plans (CDN $M): Active, $2,721; total, $2,721
Canadian plan sponsors for which you provide DC pension plan asset management: 8
DC pension plan AUM for Canadian plan sponsors (CDN $M): total, $155
Total pension assets (DB & DC) managed for Canadian clients: $3,070