Canadians worry about AI and misinformation, CIRA says

A CIRA poll finds only 51% of Canadians feel confident detecting fraud and scams online, a significant drop from 2023

Canadians worry about AI and misinformation, CIRA says

A new poll commissioned by CIRA highlights that generative artificial intelligence (AI) and the spread of misinformation are significant concerns for many internet users across Canada, as reported by The Canadian Press.  

These results come at a crucial time, with a US presidential election and a Canadian election approaching, underscoring the importance of online truth discernment.   

The annual survey reveals that Canadians are more worried about AI than excited about its potential. While 51 percent of respondents express concern about AI, only 17 percent feel excited about its development.  

Among those expressing concern, the primary issues include the spread of fake images or videos (69 percent), mis/disinformation (67 percent), and insufficient regulations or controls (65 percent).   

“We’re at a pivotal moment in technology, and it’s clear that Canadians are feeling uneasy about the future of AI,” says CIRA president and CEO, Byron Holland.  

“AI advancements are unfolding as Canadians lead up to a national election next fall. Over the next year, it will be crucial for Canadians to practice extra vigilance when interacting with content, to identify AI-generated misinformation and discern fact from fiction online.”   

The survey also highlights the impact of fake images and videos on Canadians' online experiences. In the past year, 20 percent of Canadians have encountered deepfakes online, and 25 percent are unsure if they have.  

Only 51 percent of Canadians feel confident in their ability to detect fraud and scams online, a decrease of 16 percent from 2023. Additionally, 51 percent of Canadians believe that deepfakes pose a threat to elections in Canada and other democratic countries.   

As Canadians continue to navigate a complex information landscape, visiting specific news media sites online remains the top method for accessing news, with 35 percent of respondents using this method. Google searches about news events follow closely at 33 percent.  

Since Meta removed news content from its Canadian services, only 15 percent of Canadians report accessing news via Facebook, a significant drop from 34 percent in 2023.