Infrastructure assets propel them to the number one spot in Infrastructure Investor's prestigious global investor 50 ranking

CDPQ, a leading institutional investor, has achieved a historic milestone by securing the first position in the Global Investor 50 ranking.
The Global Investor 50, compiled by Infrastructure Investor magazine, showcases the world's biggest institutional investors in infrastructure based on the size of their assets.
CDPQ's success can be attributed to its Infrastructure portfolio, which includes nearly 40 businesses in 15 countries.
These companies not only contribute to the fight against climate change but also play a significant role in reducing the carbon intensity of CDPQ's total portfolio, which has decreased by 53% since 2017. Moreover, the majority of these assets offer protection against inflation, further enhancing their value.
Having invested in infrastructure for almost 25 years, CDPQ's Infrastructure portfolio has experienced growth, becoming the group's fastest-growing asset class between 2018 and 2022, reaching an impressive value of almost $55 billion.
"With our unique model, CDPQ has been able to carve out a place alongside other major global players in infrastructure, an asset class that fills a strategic role in our total portfolio and is closely aligned with our sustainable investing approach," said Charles Emond, president and chief executive officer of CDPQ. "We see this as a distinguishing factor and a competitive advantage."
Emmanuel Jaclot, executive vice-president and head of infrastructure at CDPQ, highlighted the expertise developed by CDPQ's investment and asset management teams over the years, enabling the construction of a resilient and successful infrastructure portfolio.
He emphasized the strategic acquisitions made by local teams in eight offices, particularly in renewable energy, telecommunications, and transportation, positioning CDPQ favorably in relation to global trends.
"We've developed considerable infrastructure expertise in our investment and asset management teams over the years that has enabled us to construct a resilient and successful portfolio – that is also effective at diversifying our depositors' assets," said Jaclot. "Our local teams in eight offices have acquired strategic assets –particularly in renewable energy, telecommunications and transportation – that position us favorably in relation to global trends."
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