Survey reveals high willingness among employees to seek roles with greater inclusivity in benefits packages

It was revealed that 60% of Canadian employees are willing to leave their current jobs for positions that offer more inclusive benefits.
The survey by Medavie Blue Cross, which involved 1,000 employees and 500 employers across Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada, highlights the growing demand for inclusivity in the workplace.
Additionally, the survey revealed that employees not only value benefits for themselves but also seek organizations that support the diverse needs of their colleagues.
Approximately 40% of workers stated that they would consider leaving their current positions for benefits that are more inclusive of their colleagues' diverse needs.
This figure rose to 60% among respondents aged 30 and younger, indicating a strong desire for inclusivity among younger generations.
While the majority of respondents (80%) believed that their employers are committed to creating an inclusive environment, the survey highlighted a gap between perception and action.
Only 30% of employees reported that their employers have a formal strategy in place for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), despite 72% emphasizing the importance of such an approach. This suggests that there is room for improvement in implementing formal DEI strategies within organizations.
Interestingly, among employers, 90% recognized the impact of their approach to DEI on recruitment and retention. However, only 75% of them claimed to have a formal DEI strategy, indicating a potential disconnect between awareness and concrete action.